"You are a sweet doll!"

"That’s no way to talk to a nurse!"

"Just you wait. When I get out of here, I’ll give you a proper kiss!" "Really?"

"Yes! At least a quarter of an hour. Five seconds for every injection you have given me."

" Y ou should be ashamed of yourself! "

"Do you prefer giving injections to an innocent?"

"My poor little one. Go to sleep now."

"I can’t."

"Only two hours to go."


"That is not very nice. I did give you a kiss. Now you should go to sleep."


Her light footsteps disappear. Someone is snoring in the big room. This song ... what was it she wanted to sing? Green eyes ... Not that song!...

* * *

Your eyes are flowing with green light

Like sparkling emeralds set to admire.2

* * *

I soap my body methodically, like an experienced soldier. Each body part is washed and rinsed in turn. I know the army showers. At the critical moment the water can stop. Nachshe was once standing in the shower covered in soap, when the water stopped flowing. We had to collect all the water bottles in the whole camp. And the pearls which rolled out of Nachshe’s mouth could have formed the basis for a dictionary of curses at the linguistic academy.

"Hallo boy!"

Joker comes in. He undresses, stretches, and tests the water tem-perature with a careful finger.

* * *

I thirst for a minute’s rest

you drive so far, so far ...


* *