The White Front

1. Sabra - (Hebrew) - the fruit of the opuntia cactus (prickly pear). Also familiar term for native-born Israeli Jews (thorny on the outside, sweet on the inside).

2. Hatikva quarter and Yasur - suburban areas of Tel Aviv.

Part Two: The Other Side of the Coin

The Long Nights

1. Keren Kayemet Lelsrael - the Jewish National Fund.

2. Beit Dagon - crossroads south of Tel Aviv, where the main roads to Jerusalem and the south divide.

3. "Yob tvoyu Mat" - a Russian expletive roughly translated as "Fuck off’ (lit. "fuck your mother").

The Radio

1. Mayia - (Arabic) - water.

2. "Min wein inta?" - (Arabic) - "Where are you from?"

3. "Bi-hayat Allah, ma b’aref!" - (Arabic) - "In God’s name, I don’t know!"

4. "Qadesh Iraqi fi Wadi Sarar?" - (Arabic) - "How many Iraqis are in Wadi Sarar?"

5. Jewish Brigade - special unit of the British Army, recruited from Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, deployed on various fronts in the Second World War.

6. Agal - (Arabic) - the rope circlet holding the keffiyeh or traditional Arab headdress in place.

7. Mukhtar - (Arabic) - village headman.

8. Mufti - (Arabic) - scholar versed in Islamic law. Here it refers to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a prominent leader of the Palestinian uprising.

9. Effendi - (from the Turkish) - "lord" or "master," used here for landowners.

10. Pesach - the Jewish Passover, when wine is drunk as part of the reli-gious ceremony.

11. Masbaha - (Arabic) - string of prayer beads.

12. "Khawaja" - (Arabic) - "Sir."