As a result of Camp David, the dividing line between the Zionist "right" and "left" almost disappeared.The slogan "We have no partner" was adopted by all.

spokesman and apologist for Sharon.

69 The clearest expression of the Israeli dilemma was provided by Ehud Barak, who came to power thoroughly convinced of his ability to cut the Gordian knot of the historical conflict in one dramatic stroke, in the fashion of Alexander the Great. Barak approached the issue in total ignorance of the Palestinian narrative, showing utter contempt for its significance. He drew up his proposals in complete disregard of the Palestinian side and presented them as an ultimatum. He was shocked and enraged when the Palestinians rejected them.

70 In his own eyes and in the eyes of the entire Israeli public, Barak "turned every stone" and made the Palestinians "more generous offers than any previous Prime Minister". In exchange, he demanded that the Palestinians sign a declaration that these offers constitute the "end to the conflict". The Palestinians considered this absurd, since Barak was asking them to give up their basic national aspirations, such as the Right of Return and sovereignty over East Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount. Moreover, the annexation of territories that were presented by Barak as negligible percentages (such as the "Settlement Blocs") amounted, according to Palestinian calculations, to an actual annexation of 20% of theWest Bank to Israel.

71 In the Palestinian view, they had already made their decisive concession by agreeing to establish their State beyond the Green Line, in a mere 22% of their historical homeland. Therefore, they would only accept minor border changes in the context of territorial swaps. The traditional