f. Israel will recognize, in principle, the right of return of the Palestinian refugees as an inalienable human right, and assume moral responsibility for its part in the creation of the problem. A Committee of Truth and Reconciliation will establish the

historic facts in an objective way. The solution of the problem will be achieved by agreement based on just, fair, and practical considerations and will include return to the territory of the State of Palestine, return of a limited and agreed number to the territory of Israel, payment of compensation, and settlement in other countries.

g. The water resources will be controlled jointly and allocated by agreement, equally and fairly.

h. A security pact between the two states will ensure the security of both and take into consideration the specific security needs of both Israel and Palestine. The agreement will be endorsed by the international community and reinforced by international guarantees.

i. Israel and Palestine will cooperate with other states in the region for the establishment of a regional community, modeled on the European Union.

j. The entire region will be made free from weapons of mass destruction.

101. The signing of the peace agreement and its honest implementation in good faith will lead to an end of the historic conflict and the reconciliation between the two peoples, based on equality, mutual respect, and the striving for maximum cooperation.