2 November: British government publishes “Balfour

Declaration” which states: “His Majesty’s

Government view with favour the establishment in

Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,

and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the

achievement of this object, it being clearly under-

stood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice

the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish

communities in Palestine, or the rights and political

status enjoyed by Jews in any other country”

December: British General Sir Edmund Henry

Hynman Allenby captures Jerusalem and establishes

martial law. First World War results in collapse of

Ottoman Empire


10 September: Helmut Ostermann, who later changes

his name to Josef Ostermann, then to Uri Avnery, born

in Beckum, Westfalen

29 September: League of Nations Mandate for British

rule in Palestine officially comes into force


Helmut Ostermann (Uri Avnery) changes his name to

Josef Ostermann and attends catholic Auguste Viktoria

Gymnasium in Hanover as the only Jewish pupil. One

of his fellow pupils is Rudolf Augstein (who later

founded Der Spiegel)

November: Ostermann family emigrates from Hanover

to Palestine


The Arab Revolt


Josef Ostermann (Uri Avnery) leaves school to work and

contribute to the support of his impoverished family

1938 Josef Ostermann joins underground organization the

Irgun - the “National Military Organization”


Josef Ostermann changes his name to Uri Avnery. After

the Stern Gang splits from the Irgun, Uri Avnery also

leaves the organization but does not join the Stern

Gang, which calls itself “Lehi” (acronym of “Lohamei Herut Israel” - “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”)

1947 19 November: UN Partition Resolution is passed,

dividing Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state,