Uri Avnery awarded honorary citizenship of Kafr

Qassem on 40th anniversary of Suez Crisis, in recogni-

tion of his part in exposing the massacre that took place there on the eve of the fighting


29 September: Ariel Sharon, chairman of Likud Party

and leader of the opposition in Israeli parliament,

visits Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Second Intifada

begins after violent Palestinian reaction that escalates and spreads across Israeli and PA territory. Large

numbers of civilians killed on both sides with vio-

lence continuing into present day


6 February: Likud leader Ariel Sharon becomes Prime

Minister of Israel replacing Ehud Barak


29 March-10 May: “Operation Homat Magen”

(‘Defensive Shield’). Israeli Army tries to demolish infrastructure of Palestinian resistance. Yasser Arafat under virtual house arrest in his headquarters (the

Muqataa) in Ramallah, until flown to Paris in

November 2004 for medical treatment


July: Work on controversial “Security Wall” begins, deviating from 1949 Armistice (“Green”) Line

between Israel and West Bank, and including on the

“Israeli” side areas of West Bank territory


Construction of wall declared “contrary to interna-

tional law” by International Court of Justice

10 September: Uri Avnery receives 80th birthday video

message from Palestinian President Yasser Arafat,

addressing him as “my friend Uri”

11 November: Death of President of Palestine and

Chairman of PLO, Yasser Arafat, in a Paris hospital,

after a mysterious illness. Funeral in Ramallah on 12

November attended by small number of Israelis, includ-

ing delegation from Gush Shalom led by Uri Avnery


9 January: New Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

elected with 62.3% of the vote, without Hamas partici-

pation, declares readiness for peace talks with Israel


4 January: Israeli Prime Minister Sharon incapaci-

tated by massive stroke; Deputy Ehud Olmert